Under the entire management of Editor and Contributors from Patriotic Jewish Believers.
אתם עדי
"Ye are My Witnesses."
Isaiah 43:10
לתורה ולתעודה
"For instruction and testimony."
Isaiah 8:20
January, 1873 (pdf file)
- A Few Words of Friendly Salutation to our Readers
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers, The First Prophecy
- The Ten Tribes, Rev. A.A. Isaacs
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home, An Historical Serial Tale, Illustrative of the Chequered Annals of the Jews in this Country by and Intimate Friend of the Family - Some Particulars about Dullymore, Adamantine House and the Inhabitants of the Latter, Past and Present
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from his Missionary Career
- A Day in Capernaum, Franz Delitzsch
- The Last Baptisms of Jewish Penitents
- Intercessory Hymn for Missions to the Jews
- Notes: In Memoriam of Viscountess Beaconsfield; Adolph Saphir; Vestiges of a State Church: Or, Christ in the Jewish Liturgy; What Steps Should Be Taken To Oppose the Attempts made to Romanize the Church of England; A Glimpse of the Jews in St. Petersburg
- Correspondence: Psalters and Hymn Books; "Our Israelitish Origin"; A Hebrew Christian Collegiate Institution; The Crazes of Would-Be Biblical Archaeologists in These Last Days
- Queries
- Reviews: The Science of Theology, Gregory
- The Hebrew Student's Library, Rev. Dr. Margoliouth
February, 1873 (pdf file)
- The Last Words of Ezekiel's Last Vision
- Israel's Messiah and the Emancipator of Humanity, Rev. J. Lowitz
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers, The Second Prophecy
- Christ Is All: Being the Testimony of the Rev. Adolph Saphir
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - The Condition of the Jews in England Previous to the Roman Conquest
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from his Missionary Career
- A Day in Capernaum, Franz Delitzsch
- Notes: The Three Friends; A Craze of a Modern Would-Be Egyptologist; "Recognition of the Services of an Old Missionary"
- Correspondence: The Bane of a Parasite Ritual and Antidote both before the Editor of "The Church Times"; Where Are the Lost Ten Tribes?; Professor Delitzsch No Mariolator; The Proposed Hebrew Christian Collegiate Institute
- Queries: What Has Become of the Last Five Letters and Upwards of Messrs. Asher and Co.'s Chaldaic, Talmudical, and Rabbinical Lexicon?; What is the Meaning of the Firstborn of Every Creature?
- Replies
- The Hebrew Student's Library, Rev. Dr. Margoliouth
March, 1873 (pdf file)
- Who is to be the Master of the Rolls?
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers, Introductory to the Grand and Manifold Promise Contained in the Word of God, to Abraham and His Seed
- Vestiges of a State Church; Or, Christ in the Jewish Liturgy, Rev. J.C.S. Kroenig
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - The Condition of the Jews in England Previous to the Roman Conquest
- Marriage of Miss Annie DeRothschild and the Hon. Eliot Constantine Yorke
- Critical Reflections on Psalm 68:13
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from His Missionary Career
- Some Quasi Masters in Israel Searching to Know "These Things"
- Jephthah, A Soliloquy, poem by Arthur Finn
- "The Talmud"
- Correspondence: On the Angels of Jude and Peter; The Pre-Adamite Earth; The Ten Tribes; The Legislation of the Present Administration Contrasted with that of an Ancient Prime Minister; The One Flock Not Necessarily One Fold
- Replies
- Literary Notice: God in History as Elucidated by His Dealings with His People Israel, Marston
- The Hebrew Student's Library, Rev. Dr. Margoliouth
April, 1873 (pdf file)
- The Messiah and His Apostles on "Conversion and Conversionists"
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers
- Vestiges of a State Church; or, Christ in the Jewish Liturgy, Rev. J.C.S. Kroenig
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - The Condition of the Jews in England Previous to the Roman Conquest
- "Made Perfect Through Suffering," A Tale of the Time of the Maccabees, Charlotte Stern
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from His Missionary Career
- Proposed Home for Aged Christian Israelites
- In Memoriam: Rev. J.C. Reichardt
- Notes: Jewish Mission in Hull; Authenticity of the Book of Daniel; The Lost Tribes; Jacobi Ben Israel, the Learned Jew
- Correspondence: The Goliath of the Jewish Press; The Ten Tribes; The Amenities of Rabbinical Preachers; "The Pre-Adamite Earth"
- Queries
May, 1873 (pdf file)
- A Sunday Afternoon at the Chapel, Palestine Place: More Patterns to Them which Should Hereafter Believe
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - A Few Particulars About Tabitha
- The Proposed "Bible Educator": A Warning
- Jewish Opinion Concerning the Ten Tribes, J.C. Abraham
- The Tree of Life an Antidote for Death: A Defence of the Scriptural Account of the Introduction of Death into our World
- Light at Eventide, Rev. H.A. Stern
- "Made Perfect Through Suffering," A Tale of the Time of the Maccabees, Charlotte Stern
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from His Missionary Career
- Notes: The Gospel According to Moses and the Prophets Preached to the Jews of London and Its Suburbs; An Apocryphal "Christian Jew"; Sacred Jewish Music; The Rolls' Court and the Coming Election; Hebrew Christian Literati; A Jewih Alderman on "Christian Charity"
- Correspondence: The Crystal Palace Bible Stand; Church and State; "The Pre-Adamite Earth"
June, 1873 (pdf file)
- Glimpses at Some of the May Meetings: The Second Advent Conference; The London Jews' Society; Sermon in the Conference Hall, Mildmay Park; Who Was Melchizedek?; The British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Among the Jews; The Operative Jewish Converts' Institution
- Vestiges of a State Church; or, Christ in the Jewish Liturgy, Rev. J.C.S. Kroenig
- The Special Commissioner of "The Jewish World" at Christ Church, Spitalfields
- The Fracas in the Hull Synagogue in the Course of the Last Jewish Festival of Passover
- A Letter from the Rev. H. A. Stern to the Editor of the "Tower Hamlets Independent"
- The Approaching Mildmay Park Conference
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- The Primeval "City (Gen 4:17)
- "Made Perfect Through Suffering," A Tale of the Time of the Maccabees, Charlotte Stern
- Haim Simon Abarbanel: A Narrative of Facts Gleaned from His Missionary Career
- Notes: Lord Shaftesbury on the Second Advent; "Dark Sayings of Old"
- Correspondence: Jewish Opinion Concerning the Ten Tribes Confirmed by Gentile Testimony; A Word of Grateful Encouragement
July, 1873 (pdf file)
- The One Faith: An Address by our Esteemed Brother, the Rev. Adolph Saphir
- Pentecost, Rev. M. Wolkenberg
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers
- The Spirit Not Straitened: Exemplified in the Living Faith of a Deaf and Dumb Believer
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - From the Norman Conquest to the Death of Henry the First
- Glimpses at the East-End
- "Made Perfect Through Suffering," A Tale of the Time of the Maccabees, Charlotte Stern
- Israel's Unbelief: Its Cause and Cure, J.G. Sparkes
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Notes: Melchizedek; Hebrew Christian Schools
- Correspondence: "The Pre-Adamite Earth"
August, 1873 (pdf file)
- The Mildmay Hebrew Christian Conference
- The Church "The Lord's Body"
- "Made Perfect Through Suffering," A Tale of the Time of the Maccabees, Charlotte Stern
- Notes: Israel's Day of Grace, Sparkes; The Crude Credulities of Unbelieving Jews
- Correspondence: The Ten Tribes; The Hebrew Christian Conference
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Literary Notices: The Lord's Prayer, Saphir; Supplemental Hymnal, Stone; Book of Psalms, Perowne; Two Great Works of Art of the Present Season Pitifully Blemished; The One Faith, Saphir
- The Bishop of Huron's Sympathy with Hebrew Christian Conferences
- "The Seed of Hope" and the Last Hebrew Christian Conference
September, 1873 (pdf file)
- The New Master of the Rolls
- An Instructive Contrast, or a Plea for the Jew, Wolkenberg
- The Promises Made Unto the Fathers
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: From the Accession of Stephen to that of Richard the First
- Jerusalem's Lament and Hope, poem by W. Stone
- The Captive Daughter of Zion, Rev. A. Bernstein
- The Talmud, H.C. Oxoniensis: A Talmudist of Talmudists - Introduction
- Who is the Bride of Christ?
- Notes: The Personal Regal Reign of Messiah, Sparkes; The Exploration of Palestine
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Correspondence: The Hebrew Christian Conference; The Identity of the Prophetic and Apocalyptic Bride; The Baldacchino
- Query: What are the tares mentioned in the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter 13?
October, 1873 (pdf file)
- "It Is the Day of Atonement"
- Israel's Present and Future
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - From the Accession of Stephen to that of Richard the First
- The Talmud, H.C. Oxoniensis: A Talmudist of Talmudists - Introduction
- Notes: The Priesthood of Christ after the Order of Melchizedek, Rev. R. Gascoyne; Jesus is the True Messiah and Israel's Messiah, Sparkes; The Least in the Kingdom of Heaven
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Correspondence: Cyrstal Palace; Auricular Confession; The "Bride" and the "Body"
November, 1873 (pdf file)
- To Our Subscribers, Well-Wishers and Friends
- The Crowning Sign of the Times
- Antichristian Autocracy in the East! Despotic Seizure of British Property in Egypt
- Ungrateful Christendom
- Israel's Present and Future
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: From the Accession of Richard the First to the Death of John
- Notes: Sermons to Jewish Congregations in Christian Churches; The Day of Atonement According to the Revs. Drs. Adler and Artom; The Seven Attributes of the Godhead as Revealed Through Moses and the Prophets, Warschawski; Scripture Emendations: 1 Corinthians 11:10; "Mystery," Its Outside and Inside; The Greeks and the Pentateuch; The Bishop of London Does Not Speak Without His Book
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Correspondence: Some of the Verities of the Anglo-Jewish Press; Sincerity of Conversion; John the Baptist and Jesus: Another Interpretation of the Difficult Texts, Matthew 11:11 & Luke 7:28; Hebrew Studies; Missionary Incident
- Queries
- Reviews: Dark Sayings of Old, M'Caul; Polyglot Text Book for 1874
December, 1873 (pdf file)
- An Important Announcement
- The Better, or New Covenant, Dr. Margoliouth
- Israel's Rejection, The Church's Election. Israel's Restoration, The World's Salvation, Rev. J. Wilkinson
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home - From the Accession of Richard the First to the Death of John
- The Talmud, H.C. Oxoniensis: A Talmudist of Talmudists - Introduction
- Notes: Stones Crying Out; The Free Church of Scotland's Labour of Love Amongst the Jews of Constantinople; Progress of Christianity Amongst the Jews; The Defeat of the Unholy Alliance Against the Lord of Hosts, the Redeemer of Israel; Scripture Emendations: 2 Thessalonians 2:6-11; Some of the Verities of the Angle-Jewish Press; Israel a Witness for God
- The Six Hundred and Thirteen Precepts
- Correspondence: The Least in the Kingdom; Pro Bono Publico