The Hebrew Christian Witness
And Prophetic Investigator

An Anglo-Judeo-Christian Magazine

Under the entire management of Editor and Contributors from Patriotic Jewish Believers.


אתם עדי
"Ye are My Witnesses."
Isaiah 43:10


  לתורה ולתעודה
"For instruction and testimony."
Isaiah 8:20




January, 1874 (pdf file)


February, 1874 (pdf file)


March, 1874 (pdf file)


April, 1874 (pdf file)


May, 1874 (pdf file)


June, 1874 (pdf file)


July, 1874 (pdf file)


September, 1874 (pdf file)


October, 1874 (pdf file)


November 1874 (pdf file)


December 1874 (pdf file)