Under the entire management of Editor and Contributors from Patriotic Jewish Believers.
אתם עדי
"Ye are My Witnesses."
Isaiah 43:10
לתורה ולתעודה
"For instruction and testimony."
Isaiah 8:20
January, 1874 (pdf file)
- A Word of Counsel to Our Readers on the New Year
- Max Muller's Comparative Theology; or Our Testimony to the Churches to Take Heed to the "Sure Word of Prophecy"
- Future Division of the Land of Israel, Rev. J.B. Goldberg
- Israel' Rejection, the Church's Election, Israel's Restoration, The World's Salvation, Rev. J. Wilkinson
- The Second Advent, Rev. A.A. Isaacs
- The Talmud by H.C. Oxoniensis: A Talmudist of Talmudists - Introduction
- Notes: Missionary Work Amongst the Jews in the Provinces; Progress in the Exploration of Palestine; The Anglo-Warsaw Chaplaincy; Jewish Converts in Italy; Scripture Emendations: 1 John 1:8-10; Killing Hebrew Christians No Murder; The Second Advent; Modern Christian Art: Mr. Holman Hunt's Picture "The Shadow of Death"
- Correspondence: How our Jewish Brethren Observe their Holy Days; The Evangelical Alliance Conference at New York
- Queries: The Land of Sinim
- Literary Notices: The Coming of the Antichrist; A New Solution of the Contemporary Symbols of the Revelation of St. John, Gascoyne; The Two Worlds or Here and Hereafter, Howell; Englishman Not Israelites, Wilkinson
- Notices to our Subscribers, Readers and Correspondents
February, 1874 (pdf file)
- Proposed Hebrew Christian Witness Chambers and Reading Room
- A Vindication
- The Progress of Exploration in the Land of Israel
- The Times of Refreshing According to the Vision of Isaiah
- The Language of Christ, Rev. J.B. Goldberg
- The Banished Ones Fetched Hom: From the Accession of Richard the First to the Death of John
- Notes: The Hebrew Christian Muse; Outlines of Prophecy; Obituary Notice; Scripture Emendations: 1 John 3:14; "In Simplicity and Godly Sincerity"; "Ye Shall Be Gathered One by One, O Ye Children of Israel"; Another Hebrew Christian Added to the Ministry of the Church of England; The Friendship of the "Jewish World"
- Poetry
- Correspondence: The Least in the Kingdom; Immanuel's Land
- Queries: Psalm 69:8; Ten Tribes
- Literary Notices: Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments
- Notices to our Subscribers, Readers and Correspondents
March, 1874 (pdf file)
- We Weep With Them That Weep
- The Temple of Ezekiel, Rev. A.A. Isaacs
- The Language of Christ, Rev. J.B. Goldberg
- The Banished Ones Fetched Hom: From the Accession of Richard the First to the Death of John
- The Talmud by H.C. Oxoniensis: A Talmudist of Talmudists - Introduction
- Notes: Thoughts on Realities of the Future Life, Rev. W. Stone; The Ephesian State of the Church in England; "In Simplicity and Godly Sincerity"; "God Hath Not Cast Away His People"; The Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ; Scripture Emendations: John 15:1-8; The Fancied Mount Sinai; The Death-Beds of Christ Rejecting Jews; The Jewish Representatives in the New House of Commons
- Correspondence: St. Stephen's Speech Before the Sanhedrin
- Replies: The Land of Sinim
- Proposed Hebrew Christian Witness Chambers and Reading Room
- Notices to our Readers and Correspondents
April, 1874 (pdf file)
- Some Tokens of God's Blessing upon our Testimony
- The Manifold Aspect of Prophecy, Rev. Frederick Whitfield
- The Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Language of Christ, Rev. J.B. Goldberg
- The Anglo-Russian Marriage, poem by J. Montgomery
- Lines Written Impromptu on Reading in the "Record" an Article Entitled "Prince Alfred at Jerusalem"
- A Jewish Lament, and a Christian Response, poem
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh: The Welcome to the Bride, poem M. Alexandrowna
- Notes: Thoughts on Realities of the Future Life, Rev. W. Stone; Baptisms in Palestine Place Chapel; Scripture Emendations: Romans 7:15-21; Sermon to Jews and Gentiles at Christ Church; The Jews in Australia; Judaism on the Threshold of Eternity, Rev. M. Wolkenberg; Judas Iscariot Redivivus; The "Hebrew Christian Witness" in Russia
- Poetry: Isaiah 2
- Correspondence: The Principes of Christianityl; The Triumph Note of the Synagogue Organs; The Holy Oblation and the Sanctuary: Ezekiel 48; Have the Jews Fulfilled Their Trust?
- Notices to our Readers and Correspondents
May, 1874 (pdf file)
- "Wondrous are the Works of Him Who is Perfect in Knowledge"
- St. Paul on Israel's Future, Rev. J. Wilkinson
- The Language of Christ, Rev. J.B. Goldberg
- Israel's Redemption
- A Small Token of our Deeply Rooted Loyalty to the Throne and Crown of This Realm
- Notes: Thoughts on Realities of the Future Life, Stone; Christ the Promised Seed of David; Judaism on the Threshold of Eternity, Wolkenberg; The Jews in Connection with the Second Advent; Scripture Emendations: 2 Cor 1:12,18, Gal 4:12; Biblical Revision; The "Remnant According to the Election of Grace"; Proposed Conference of Hebrew Christians
- Poetry: Echoes of Jerusalem or Sion Captive and Soon Delivered
- Correspondence: The City of the Great King; "The Least in the Kingdom"; The Locality of Ezekiel's Temple
- Queries
- Literary Notices: The Lord's Anointed, Margoliouth; Fruits from Canaan's Boughs, Rudall; The Rainbow Magazine, The Book of Revelation at one View, Chaloner; Light and Life in Christ, Whitfield
- Notices to our Readers and Correspondents
June, 1874 (pdf file)
- Our Mahanaim
- St. Paul on Israel's Future, Rev. J. Wilkinson
- A Would-Be Jewish Torquemada
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: An Historical Serial Tale, Illustrative of the Chequered Annals of the Jews in the Country - The Minority of Henry III
- Notes: Evangelistic Work Amongst the Jews in England; Thoughts on Realities of the Future Life, Stone; The Parables of the Thirteenth of St. Matthew in Relation to the Second Advent; Scripture Emendations: Heb 8:2, 10:19,20; Reunion of Hebrew Christians; The Hebrew Christian on the Threshold of Eternity; Jewish Mission Conference; Free Church of Scotland and the Jews
- Correspondence: Ezekiel's Temple, It's Sacrifices and Priesthood
- Queries: They Sibylline Oracles; The Meaning of Colossians 2:23
- Notices to Our Readers and Correspondents
July, 1874 (pdf file)
- Our Living Epistles
- Jewish Mission Conference
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: Simon De. Montfort and the Historic Anglo-Hebrews of Leicester, The Pope's Usurers
- Notes: Thoughts on Realities of the Future Life, Stone; The Citiies of Refuge, Sparkes; The Second Coming of Christ in its Relation to the People and Land of Israel, to the Church, and to the World; The Divinity of Messiah, Sparkes; Judaism on the Threshold of Eternity, Wolkenberg; The Late Visit of the Czar to this Country; A Voice from the Antipodes on the Restoration of the Jews; The Anniversary of the Warsaw Chaplaincy Fund; Scripture Emendations: 1 Tim 6:5-10, 2 Peter 1:9; Sermon to Jews at Whitechapel
- Poetry: "That Blessed Hope"
- Correspondence: Will Israel Be Restored in Unbelief
- Queries: Psalms 22:16 and 16:8
September, 1874 (pdf file)
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Land and People of Israel
- Idolatry Among the Ancient Israelites, Rev. G.W. Pieritz
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: A Record of Paradoxes, Persecutions, and Barbarous Murders; How Westminster Abbey was Rebuilt; Henry's Wants; The Anglo-Hebrews' Woes
- Notes: A New Solution in Part of John's Revelation or Apocalypse, Showing that Chapteres 1-11 Mainly Describe the Apostasy, Gascoyne; The State of the World at the Messiah's Second Advent, Sparkes; Scripture Emendations: Rom 5:13
- In Memoriam: Death of the Rev. Dr. Ewald
- Poetry: The Cities of Refuge, or, The Name of Jesus
- Correspondence: The Lord's Prayer; Bishop Watson on Gen 10; The Drolleries of the Bell Lane
- Literary Notices: The Jew, Macintosh
- Notices to Our Readers and Correspondents
October, 1874 (pdf file)
- The Lord's Prayer
- Isaac Jaquelot; An Apologist of the 17th Century
- What Did the Ancient Hebrews Know of Astronomy
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: The Jews under Earl Richard, King of the Romans
- Note: A New Solution in Part of John's Revelation or Apocalypse Showing that Chapters 1-11 Mainly Describe the Apostasy, Gascoyne: The Much Neglected Book or a Plea for the Bible, Sparkes; The Eve of the Day of Atonement; A Glimpse of Jewish Tolerance; The Gorsedd (Welsh) Prayer
- Poetry: Retrospection and Anticipation
- Correspondence: In Re Calvinism; What Gentile Divines Think of the Composition of the Lord's Prayer; The Nature and Efficacy of the Gospel Pardon; What is Meant by "The Morrow After the Sabbath?" What is Signified by the "Two Wave-Loaves?"; Records of Captive Israel from a Marble Slab Found in the Ruins of Nineveh
- Literary Notices: The Book of the Law of God with Ten Commentaries
- Notices to Our Readers and Correspondents
November 1874 (pdf file)
- Reflections on the Church Congress, AD 1874, Especially in Relation to Modern Judaism
- Preaching the Gospel, Rev. G. Wildon Pieritz
- What did the Ancient Hebrews Know of Astronomy?
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home
- Note: Professor Neander's Return to the Faith of the Patriarchs and Prophets; A New Solution in Part of John's Revelation or Apocalypse, Showing that Chatpers 1-11 Mainly Describe the Apostasy, Gascoyne; "The Jewish Chronicle" on the Church Congress; The Precession of Grace: Sanctification; Scripture Emendations: John 3:19; Provincial Judaism
- Correspondence: The New Meat Offering or, Two Wave Loaves; Is the Chief Rabbi of England a Reliable Biblical Expositor?; "What is Truth?"; The Seven Attributes of the Godhead
December 1874 (pdf file)
- The Lord's Prayer
- Preaching the Gospel, Rev. G. Wildon Pieritz
- The Syrian Patriarch's Visit to this Country: Its Probable Effect upon the Jews in the East, Alexander Finn
- The Banished Ones Fetched Home: Summary of Henry's Extortions from the Jews - The Accession of Edward I
- Notes: A New Solution in Part of John's Revelation or Apocalypse, Showing that Chapters 1-11 Mainly Describe the Apostasy, Gascoyne; Scripture Emendations: Matt 23:11, Luke 11:48; The Precession of Grace: Sanctification, Justification; Poem, Samson in Prison or, The Believer under a Cloud; What the Patriarch of Syria and his Suffragan Bishop of Jerusalem Think of England and English Christians; A Suggestive Episode in Modern Judaism from America; The Israelitish Origin of the Pathans
- Correspondence: The Danite Problem; In Memoriam; The Israelitish Origin of the Pathans
- Literary Notices: The Temple, its Ministry and Services as they were at the Time of Jesus Christ, Edersheim
- Notices to our Readers and Correspondents