Founded by the late Rev. H. Friedlaender and Mr. Ch. Th. Lucky
The Rev. William C. Daland
Printed by the American Sabbath Tract Society
Alfred Centre, NY
"The Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself."
Deuteronomy 14:2
נקרתם - Isaiah 51:1
(Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.)
"For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be with thee.
Because of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek thy good." Psalm 122:8,9
Judaeus sum, judaici nihil a me alienum puto.
(I am a Jew, and I consider nothing Jewish alien to me.)
April, 1890 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- The 109th Psalm: A Vindication of its Christian Character by the late Rev. H. Friedlaender
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- Christianity or JudaismWhich? by An Israelite
- Periodicals
- Gladstone and the Jews
- Jewish OpinionsA Symposium
- Franz Delitzsch
May, 1890 (pdf file)
- EntreatyPoetry
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- The Evangelization of Israel in the Light of the Kingdom of God by Dr. Johannes Mueller
- Words Spoken at the Funeral of Prof. Franz Delitzsch by Dr. Luthardt
- Judaism and Superstition
- Jewish OpinionsA Symposium
June, 1890 (pdf file)
July, 1890 (pdf file)
August, 1890 (pdf file)
- Editorials
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- Delitzsch's Last Word on the Oldest Prophecies
News - Gleanings from the Jewish and Christian Press
(Religious Liberty; "Peculiar")- Correspondence
- Jewish Babel in Palestine
August, 1890 [Supplement] (pdf file)
- King David's Voice (Poem) by Mark Levy
September, 1890 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- Who is the Proselyte? by the Rev. J. H. Wallfisch
- Delitzsch on the Prophecies from Moses to David
- Jews in Russia
- Russia's Persecution of the Jews
October, 1890 (pdf file)
- The Wanderer (Poem) by M.E.H. Everett
- Editorial Notes
- As Others See Us
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- News
- Gleanings from the Jewish Press
(Conversion Through Faith; An Answer to the Questions Propounded in "The Peculiar People")- Book Review
(Witness to Israel, Eduth Le Israel; The Church and the Synagogue, A Review of the History of "The Peculiar People" since the Beginning of the Christian Era, George Lindner; Israel and the Church, James Brookes)- Correspondence
November, 1890 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- A Palm Branch from Judah
- The Exodus from Russia
- Some Words for Israel
- A Missionary's Experience
- News
- Emma Lazarus
- Egyptology
December, 1890 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- Are the Germans of Semitic Origin?
- The Affidavit of John Hoffman against the Rev. Jacob Freshman
- Gleanings from the Jewish and Christian Press
(A View of the Jews in Russia; The Duty of Christendom to the Jews)- Extract from a Speech Before the Faculty and Students of Lane Theological Seminary by Mark Levy
- The Hebrews in Literature, Music, and the Drama
- In Favor of Emigration
- An Answer to Israel (Poem) by M.E.H. Everett
January, 1891 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- Extract from an Address delivered at the "Mildmay Conference," at London, June, 1890 by David Baron
- NewsThe Anti-Semitism of today
- The Chicago Council
February, 1891 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- The Accusation, Trial, Condemnation, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus, as Related in the Four Gospels by L. C. Rogers
- That Affidavit Again
- Welcome Words Spoken at the Chicago Conference by Prof. H.M. Scott
March, 1891 (pdf file)
- Editorial Notes
- Are the Jews Really the Chosen People? by the Rev. B. Pick
- The Accusation, Trial, Condemnation, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus, as Related in the Four Gospels by L. C. Rogers
- The Jews in Russia
[Supplement] A Word from John Hoffman