Chapter 2
Within the Holy Place
- 'The Royal Bridge'The principal entrances from the west into the TempleThe 'Royal Bridge' over the Tyropoeon ValleyIts proportions and architecture
- The Temple Porches'The porches' of the TempleThe 'Royal Porch'Its name and dimensionsView from the top of the colonnadeChrist among the doctors of the lawSolomon's Porch
- Court of the GentilesMarble screen with tablets warning off GentilesThe Chel or terrace of the TempleGates into the inner courts
- The 'Beautiful Gate'
- Court of the WomenThe thirteen Treasury-chests or 'trumpets'
- The ChambersChambers and side courtsThe Gate of NicanorThe fifteen steps of 'Ascent,' or of the Levites
- Court of IsraelThe Court of the Priests
- The ChambersChambers connected with itThe 'Beth Moked'The hall of hewn stonesDescription of the Temple in the Mishnah
- The AltarThe altar of burnt-offeringRed line around the middle of itArrangements for sacrificing
- The LaverThe water supply of the TempleIts drainage
- The Great StonesProportions of the Holy House itself
- The VeilThe PorchThe Holy PlaceThe Most Holy PlaceSilence of the Rabbis about Herod
- Our Lord's PredictionThe disciples pointing out the Temple-buildings to the MasterMay any of the Temple spoils be still existent?
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