Being a Second and Revised Edition of a
"Manual of the History of New Testament Times."
FIRST DIVISION Political History of Palestine, From BC 175 to AD 135
Volume IIntroduction
1. Scope and Literature
2. Auxiliary Sciences3. The Sources
- Jewish Archaeology
- Geography
- Chronology
- Numismatics
- Inscriptions
- The Book of Maccabees
- Non-Extant Sources
- Josephus
- Greek and Roman Writers
- Rabbinical Literature
First Period
From Antiochus Epiphanes down to the conquest of Jerusalem by Pompey4. Religious Destitution and RevivalThe Rise of the Maccabees and the Period of Freedom, BC 175-63
A Sketch of the history of Syria during the last century of the Seleucid Dynasty, BC 175-63
(Antiochus IV Epiphanes; Antiochus V Eupator; Demetrius I Soter; Alexander Balas; Demetrius II Nicator; Antiochus Sidetes; Demetrius II Nicator (a second time); Seleucus V; Antiochus VIII Grypos; Antiochus IX Cyzicenos)
5. The Times of Judas Maccabaeus, BC 165-161
6. The Times of Jonathan, BC 161-143
7. Simon, BC 142-135
8. John Hyrcanus, BC 135-105
9. Aristobulus, BC 105-104
10. Alexander Jannaus, BC 104-78
11. Alexandra, BC 78-69
12. Aristobulus II, BC 69-63
Second Period
From the conquest of Jerusalem by Pompey to the Hadrian War.The Roman-Herodian Period, BC 63 - AD 135.
Sketch of the history of the Roman Province of Syria from BC 65 - AD 70.
I. The Period of the Fall of the Republic, BC 65-3013. Hyrcanus II (BC 63-40), Antipater, Phasael, and HerodII. The Days of the Empire, BC 30 - AD 70
- Syria under the predominating influence of Pompey, BC 65-48
- The Times of Caesar, BC 47-44
- Syria under the administration of Cassius, BC 44-42
- Syria under the government of Marc Antony, BC 41-30
- Octavianus Augustus, BC 30 - AD 14
- Tiberius, AD 14-37
- Caligula, AD 37-41
- Claudius, AD 41-54
- Nero, AD 54-68
14. Antigonus, BC 40-37
15. Herod the Great, BC 37-4
- Chronological Sketch
- History of Herod
Volume II16. Disturbances after Herod's Death
17. The Sons of Herod18. Herod Agrippa I, AD 37, 40, 41-44
- Philip, BC 4 - AD 34
a. His Territory under the Romans, AD 34-37
b. Herod Antipas, BC 4 - AD 39
c. Archelaus, BC 4 - AD 6
1. Judea under Roman Procurators, AD 6-41
2. Disorders under Caligula in Alexandria
3. Disorders under Caligula in Judea- Excursus I. The Census of Quirinius
- Excursus II. The so-called Testimony of Josephus to Christ
19. The Roman Procurators, AD 44-66
19. Supplement, Agrippa II, AD 50-100
20. The Great War with Rome, AD 66-7321. From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Overthrow of Bar-Cochba
- Outbreak and Triumph of the Revolution (AD 66)
- The War in Galilee (AD 67)
- From the Subjugation of Galilee to the Siege of Jerusalem (AD 68-69)
- Siege and Conquest of Jerusalem (AD 70)
- The Conclusion of the War (AD 71-73)
- The State of Affairs in Palestine from Vespasian to Hadrian
- The War under Trajan, AD 115-117
- The Great Rebellion under Hadrian, AD 132-135
Addenda to Division I, Volumes I and II
- History of Chalcis, Iturea, and Abilene
- History of the Nabatean Kings
- The Jewish and Macedonian Months Compared with the Julian Calendar
- The Jewish Coins and Coins of the Rebellion
1. The Shekel
2. The Coins of the Rebellion- Parallel Years of the Greek, Syrian, Roman, and Christian Eras
- Genealogy of the Seleucidae
- Genealogy of the Asmoneans
- The House of Herod
SECOND DIVISION The Internal Condition of Palestine, and of the Jewish People,
in the Time of Jesus Christ
Volume I22. The State of Culture in General
23. Constitution. Sanhedrim. High Priest
- Mixture of Population, Language
- Diffusion of Hellenic Culture
a. Hellenism in the Non-Jewish Regions
b. Hellenism in the Jewish Region- Position of Judaism with respect to Heathenism
24. The Priesthood and the Temple Worship
- The Hellenistic Towns
Raphia; Gaza; Anthedon; Ascalon; Azotus; Jamnia; Joppa; Apollonia; Straton's Tower = Caesarea; Dora; Ptolemais; Damascus; Hippus; Gadara; Abila; Raphana; Kanata; Kanatha; Scythopolis; Pella; Dium; Gerasa; Philadelphia; Sebaste = Samaria; Gaba; Esbon (Hesbon); Antipatris; Phasaelis; Caesarea Panias; Julias = Bethsaida; Sepphoris; Julias = Livias; Tiberias- The strictly Jewish Territory
- The great Sanhedrim at Jerusalem
a. History
b. Composition
c. Jurisdiction
d. Time and Place of Sessions
e. Judicial Procedure- The High Priests
25. Scribism
- The Priesthood as a distinct Order
- The Emoluments
- The Various Functions of the Priesthood
- The Daily Service
a. Appendix
b. Participation of Gentiles in the Worship at Jerusalem
- Canonical Dignity of Holy Scripture
- The Scribes and their Activity in general
- Halachah and Haggadah
- The most famous Scribes
Volume II26. Pharisees and Sadducees
27. School and Synagogue28. Life under the Law
- The School
- The Synagogue
a. Organization of the Community
b. Officers
c. Buildings
d. Order of Divine Worship
e. AppendixThe Shemah and Shemoneh Esreh29. The Messianic Hope
- General Observations
- The Sanctification of the Sabbath
- Laws concerning Cleanness and Uncleanness
- Externalism of Religion
- Errors
30. The Essenes
- Relation to the older Messianic Hope
- Historical Survey
- Systematic Statement
a. Last Tribulation and Perplexity
b. Elias as the Forerunner
c. The Appearing of the Messiah
d. Last Attack of the Hostile Powers
e. Destruction of the Hostile Powers
f. Renovation of Jerusalem
g. Gathering of the Dispersed
h. The Kingdom of Glory in Palestine
i. Renovation of the World
j. The General Resurrection
k. The Last Judgment, Eternal Salvation and Condemnation
l. AppendixThe Suffering Messiah31. Judaism in the DispersionProselytes
- The Facts
a. Organization of the Community
b. EthicsManners and Customs
c. Theology and Philosophy- Nature and Origin of Essenism
- Extension; Lands of the Euphrates; Syria and Asia Minor; Egypt; Cyrenaica; Greece and the Islands
- Constitution of the Communities
a. Internal Organization
b. Political Position- Equality in regard to the Rights of Citizenship
- Religious Life
- The Proselytes
a. Different Kinds
b. Proselytes of the Gate
c. Baptism of Proselytes
Volume III32. The Palestinian-Jewish Literature
33. The Graeco-Jewish Literature
- Historiography
1. The First Book of Maccabees
2. The History of John Hyrcanus
3. Josephus' History of the Jewish War- The Psalmodic Literature
1. The Psalms of the Maccabaean Age
2. The Psalms of Solomon- The Gnomic Wisdom
1. Jesus the Son of Sirach
2. The Pirke Aboth- Hortatory Narrative
1. The Book of Judith
2. The Book of Tobit- Pseudepigraphic Prophecies
1. The Book of Daniel
2. The Book of Enoch
3. The Assumptio Mosis
4. The Apocalypse of Baruch
5. The Fourth Book of Ezra
6. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
7. The Lost Pseudepigraphic Prophecies- The Sacred Legends
1. The Book of Jubilees
2. The Martyrdom of Isaiah
3. The Lost Legendary Works: The Books of AdamAbrahamMoses and his Time(Jannes and Jambres)- Books of Magic and Magical Spells
34. Philo, the Jewish Philosopher
- Translations of Holy Scriptures
1. The Septuagint
2. Aquila and Theodotion- Revision and Completion of Scripture Literature
1. The Greek Era
2. Additions to Esther
3. Additions to Daniel
4. The Prayer of Manasseh
5. The Book of Baruch
6. The Letter of Jeremiah- Historical Literature
1. Demetrius
2. Eupolemus
3. Artapanus
4. Aristeas
5. Cleodemus or Malchus
6. An Anonymous Writer
7. Jason of Cyrene and the Second Book of Maccabees
8. The Third Book of Maccabees
9. Philo's Historical Works
10. Josephus
11. Justus of Tiberias- Epic and Dramatic Poetry
1. Philo, the Epic Poet
2. Theodotus
3. Ezekiel, the Tragic Poet- Philosophy
1. The Wisdom of Solomon
2. Aristobulus
3. Philo
4. The Fourth Book of Maccabees- Apologetic
1. The Literary OpponentsManethoApollonius MolonLysimachusChaeremonApion
2. Apologetic- Jewish Propaganda under a Heathen Mask
1. The Sibyllines
2. Hystaspes
3. Spurious Verses of Greek Poets
4. Hecataeus
5. Aristaeus
6. Phocylides
7. Smaller Pieces perhaps of Jewish Origin under Heathen Names
- Philo's Life and Works
- Philo's Doctrine